Tuesday, March 13, 2007

bratcats 101

The other passion in my life (or the only other one I'm going to admit to in front of strangers) is our Bengal cats, Kismet and Destiny (catchy, huh?).

Destiny is a feline athlete extraordinaire, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! OK - maybe she only can jump straight up 6 feet, but that's still a lot in cat-distance. A weird one, is my Destiny. She's been known to use potatoes as toys, with one particularly favorite spud finding itself knocked off the kitchen counter, across the kitchen and dining room floors, down the stairs, past the landing, through the basement library, around 2 corners and down the long hallway to come to rest outside my bedroom door. Was she hoping I'd get up at 2AM and mash that puppy for her? And I'm not talking small potatoes here - that thing weighed nearly as much as she does. I shouldn't complain, I guess; at least it didn't wind up in the toilet, where all of her other toys eventually meet their demise.

And then there's Kismet. Excuse me...that should read 'Kismet - Queen of All She Sees And Then Some'. She doesn't really care for the paparazzi, so my photos of her are limited. This photo was taken when she was just a wee little thing, before she got all snobby. I had to flip my keyboard up to keep her from editing what I was typing - which effectively stopped whatever typing I was doing anyway. Kismet likes to bring her toys to me so that I can throw them for her to catch. My dog would define this as a rousing game of fetch, but we would never be so crass as to suggest that Kismet would 'fetch' anything for anyone. And woe to my ankles should I fail to notice that Kismet has gifted me with the presence of one of her toys - although even I will admit that ankle-biting is a very effective means of getting someone's attention.
When I am playing with my cat, who knows if I am not a pasttime to her more than she is to me?
- Montaigne

(Oh, believe me - I have no illusions about this.)

The trouble with sharing one's bed with cats is that
they would rather sleep on you than beside you.

- Pam Brown

(I used to worry about disturbing the little dears at
night, until I realized that at 18+ hours a day, they sleep way more than I do. Besides, they just roll in the opposite direction from me, and never lose their place.)

Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats
to pull a sled.

- Jeff Valdez

(Kismet made me add this one. She knows the dog can't read.)
peace & light -

1 comment:

Sablefyre said...


Imagine my surprise to open the e-mail with your blog link in it. I love your new furbabies.

Sablefyre aka MztrzNoir