Sunday, March 25, 2007

if there was any justice in this world

cats think they're so sneaky...

bear (the dog) has to go outside. all he thinks about is coming back inside.

kismet (the cat) has to stay inside. all she thinks about is going outside.

kismet thinks she's being such a help:

"look!" she says. "he's ready to come in! open the door!!"

i know what's really going on in that bratcat-brain of hers:

"look! if you open the door, i can slip out while he slips in!"

actually, i think her thoughts are much deeper than that:

"all they (that would be us people-types) do all day long is let that dumb dog (she doesn't hold bear in very high regard) in and and and out. he doesn't want out! i want out! what kind of fool world is this? the only cosmically just thing to do is to keep him in and let me out!

hmmmph. dumb humans. forget it. i'm off to rip up a roll of paper towels."

cats aren't nearly as subtle as they'd like to think.

peace & light -

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